Wei Yang, Ph.D., ASA


-Finding the Most Essential Reference Book on Chinese Art

Wei Yang’s Guide to Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, 2 vols. (2022; ISBN: 9787310062232) supplies the essentials for understanding, appreciating and appraising Chinese painting. It introduces the basics of Chinese painting and calligraphy and the practice of appraisal in 1,000-plus pages, covering important Chinese painters’ biographies, stylistic analysis, seals, signatures and marketability. It was written by an accredited senior appraiser, art consultant, expert witness with over 20 years of experience.

The book is intended for connoisseurs of Chinese painting, collectors, curators, appraisers, attorneys, other art professionals, students, scholars and anyone interested in Chinese art. Written by a practicing art appraiser with credentials unmatched in the field, it is the most up-to-date, comprehensive English-language reference for Chinese painting and calligraphy prior to 1911. Dr. Wei Yang has been an appraiser of Asian art (especially Chinese art), review appraiser, and expert witness for litigation for 20 years. Based on extensive research in Chinese sources and first-hand knowledge of art all over the world, this book is designed for readers who may not read or speak Chinese. Written from the perspective of a scholar, educator, art consultant and appraiser, the guidebook introduces the basics of Chinese painting and calligraphy and explains practical methodologies for appraising Chinese fine art. For the past 20 years, Dr. Wei Yang has served as  Asian Art Appraiser, Review Appraiser and Expert Witness for litigation since 2015.

Dr. Yang brings integrity, professional training, competence in multiple fields, and impartiality to her work.

The Only Reference Book You Need on Chinese Painting

The book covers the fundamentals of appraising premodern Chinese painting and calligraphy and offers workable guidelines. The heart of the book consists of artists’ biographies, stylistic analysis, information about seals, signatures and marketability. It discusses connoisseurship, art criticism, valuation criteria, art market trends and economics. It teaches readers how to verify information on authorship and date of creation and how to determine authenticity and forgery via stylistic analysis (brushstrokes, ink and color, signature and seal styles). Appendixes, bibliographies and indexes make it simple to consult.


Email : contact@weiyangart.com

Website : chineseartappraisal.com

Phone :  (609) 688-6891

Address :  274 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA



-Ph.D. in Chinese Art & Tibetan Art

Wei Yang, Ph.D., provides art expert witness services for litigation concerning Chinese art, with a concentration on classical Chinese painting and calligraphy (prior to 1949). As an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) in Asian Art with a concentration on Chinese art, Dr. Yang has prepared appraisals of most forms of Asian art and offered opinions on art authenticity and valuation for insurance and taxation litigation. As an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) in Appraisal Review and Management of Personal Property (ARM-PP), she has identified, documented and explained errors and omissions in appraisal reports she has reviewed, ranging from irrelevant scope of work to inadequate explanation of research, flawed methodology, insufficient data selection, problematic treatment of provenance, use of unqualified comparables and unreasonable value conclusions. Her strengths are based on her expertise in Chinese aesthetics and art criticism, painting technique, visual aesthetics, and market economics. Dr. Yang has served as Chinese art appraisal expert witness, consulting expert and testifying expert witness for litigations concerning insurance settlements and taxation.


-Appraisal Expert, Consulting Expert and Testifying Expert

Chinese Art expert: Dr. Wei Yang has reviewed case files, identified issues and proposed solutions

Expert Appraiser & Appraisal Reviewer: Wei Yang has prepared appraisals of Asian art for insurance, capital gains, estate and income taxation, and written appraisal review reports on the credibility and USPAP-compliance of appraisals

Consulting expert witness: Wei Yang has reviewed case materials, prepared preliminary reviews and research reports, identified weaknesses in argument, analyzed opposing expert’s credentials and research holes in appraisal reports, assessed adequacy of appraisal methodology, accuracy of data, completeness of scope of work and reasonableness of value conclusion in light of USPAP

Testifying expert witness: Wei Yang has researched and prepared appraisal reports and rebuttal reports and offered testimony at deposition and in court


-Ph.D. in Chinese Art, Accredited Senior Appraisal in Asian Art & Appraisal Review

Expert in Chinese art: Wei Yang holds a B.A. (1997) in art history and M.A. degree (1998) in Asian art from Smith College (Northampton, MA); earned a Ph.D. (2005) in Chinese art and Tibetan art from Northwestern University (Evanston, IL), with a focus on Chinese painting and calligraphy from the 10th to 19th centuries; possesses language skills in Chinese, Japanese and Tibetan; reads a range of Chinese classical scripts used in Chinese painting and calligraphy; and has conducted research on Chinese and Asian art in museums and field sites in China, Tibet, Korea, Mongolia, southeast Asia, central Asia, Europe, and North America

Certification in Art Appraisal: Wei Yang earned a certificate of Fine Art and Decorative Arts Appraisal from Pratt Institute (NY) in 2009, a designation of Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) in Asian Art in 2010 from American Society of Appraisers, a certificate in Chinese Painting Mounting and Restoration from the Mounting and Restoration Academy (Jinan, Shandong) in 2011, and a second designation as Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) in Appraisal Review and Management in personal property (ARM-PP) in 2017 from American Society of Appraisers


On Chinese Art Connoisseurship & Valuation

Wei Yang's Guide to Chinese Painting & Calligraphy     by Wei Yang     
Wei Yang published an English reference book on the connoisseurship and valuation of Chinese art, Wei Yang’s Guide to Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (2 volumes, Tianjin: Nankai University Press) in 2022; "Five Mistakes in Appraising Premodern Chinese Paintings," ARM E-Journal 5, no. 1 (2021): 58:62; a memoir (in Chinese), Desert Bloom 沙棗花的故事 (Beijing: Beijing Publishing House) in 2021; is now completing two further reference books, Wei Yang’s Guide to Chinese Ceramics and Wei Yang’s Guide to Chinese Jade; worked 15 years in the education division of the Dunhuang Academy based at the Mogao Caves (Gansu, China), the largest repository of Buddhist art in the world; served as Chinese art bibliographer at the Marquand Library of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University; and has taught in universities and lectured to professional societies worldwide.